On My Radar 03.15.2024

These past two weeds have been brutal; between feeling under the weather & being incredibly nervous for the new place, I am just a bang of nerves and ‘bleh’. I’ve been trying to prepare as much as possible, organizing future projects, and maybe spending a little more time in front of the TV than I normally would like to admit to. A few things though have managed to catch my eye:

  1. Petite Keep

    I just had to include an a picture of it in the post, this is the sweetest thing I’ve come across. If you are a new parent or know someone who is about to be, what an absolute gift to give! With an option to personalize, an available tractor themed lining, exterior and size options, I’m blown away!

  2. Pride & Prejudice

    Officially my favourite movie ever, I also recently sat down to read that book and I’m in love. As always the book provides more information and context, but I think the movie did an absolute amazing translation for a modern audience while maintaining it’s traditional setting. If you haven’t read or seen Pride & Prejudice yet, I’d highly recommend!

  3. DIY Reversible Floor-Length Bathrobe

    I missed out horribly on any sewing projects this winter and even though I’m sure I’m going to be way too busy in the garden this summer, I am hoping to be able to give this homemade reversible bathrobe a try! (I blame the costuming team of Pride & Prejudice for inspiring this!) If a DIY isn’t in the books it looks like Nordstrom has some great options as well from this navy silk option to this 100% cotton blue floral option.

  4. Sailing Jibsea

    You all know I’m homesteading & garden obsessed, but last summer during my trip to New Port I definitely picked up the sailing bug! Love following along with this sailing couple, Jibsea, who just so happen to be from Canada as well! Catching up on some episodes while I’m couch bound and not feeling so hot this weekend!

  5. Canadian Wool Blankets

    I’m still stuck in the ‘comfort mode’ of winter. We just got a late skiff of snow today and I’m already dreaming of wrapping up in wool blankets next year at the new place. I found that you can buy direct from MacAustland’s in PEI, or The Canadian Outdoor Equipment has an option as well. I noticed that Amazon has some really nice 100% wool options as well such as this blanket, and this throw, but it’s a little frustrating to find exactly what I want so quick with the convenience of fast delivery while trying to find a reputable small business so difficult without already knowing where to look.


Bathroom- Planning


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