10 Things

My mind has been such a mess lately trying to get through the last dregs of winter, waiting (very) anxiously for the new trailer to be delivered and trying to plan for the summer. Focus is zero, and I’ve got a running list going through my mind on a constant basis. So, why fight it? Here’s my top ten driving me crazy & keeping me up at night:

  1. Trailer Delivery

    This is top of the list obviously. Since the idea was conceptualized last July, to signing papers in February and obsessively planning since, this trailer delivery has been top of mind, 24/7. I just got a delivery date, and the oppressive anxiety finally took a step back, albeit not gone completely.

  2. Moving in/out

    I have Amazon wish lists to the moon and back, organized by category and priority. I will obviously be prioritizing my daughter’s room, the bathroom & kitchen to start with big purchases like the combo washer/dryer, bedding, storage etc. On-top of moving into one trailer, is moving out of, cleaning and selling the old trailer too.

  3. Digging Water

    As soon as we can, we will be digging down water. I’ve gone an entire winter without running water (we’ve showered and done dishes up at my mother’s house) and I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited to do dishes in my life!

  4. Skirting & Deck

    On-top of putting in the water I will be needing to re-gravel the parking space, install insulated skirting, and put up a small deck for the outdoor space. These steps will probably take a couple of months to get to, but I am praaaying I get to use this at least a few times over the summer. I’m dreaming of a coffee out on my front deck, looking out over the field.

  5. Tires

    I am that person who waits until May to take off their winter tires, and somewhere in all this chaos I need to switch them out for summers. To be fair, we are expecting ice & snow in the forecast tonight, so I don’t think I’m too too far behind Mother Nature, just one more thing to keep in mind.

  6. Greenhouse

    While I highly doubt I’ll be able to accomplish this before summer, I am determined to have a greenhouse done by fall. Not only so I can start seeds first thing next spring, but the crazy side of me is thinking… what a great spot for a hot tub this winter!

  7. Chickens & Coop

    Chickens. I decided to go in two batches this year for ease of processing with my first batch arriving on May 18th. Not only do I have my meat-chick order but I decided I was bored waiting for the trailer and decided to hatch some of my own eggs as well. Our very own chicks & ducklings will be due at the end of the month, not just that, but I have a new coop to build on top of that too!

  8. Garden

    Ironically I did better with my starts in my very first year of gardening than I did last year. I’ve started a handful of cold-hardy seeds like cabbage, broccoli and onions; with a few slower growing things like tomatoes, lavender and lisianthus. Overall though, I am nowhere near the volume I was last year and I’m worried how much I will be able to catch up in May with the move, digging water and setting up the trailer.

  9. Roadside Stand

    It’s painted and waiting for me on the front porch, literally. I’ve got a few alternations to do to the interior, and a final coat of paint before it’s done, but it should find its way to the end of the driveway by this summer!

  10. Cooking

    Nothing really says home to me like having your own bed/blankets/pillows and being able to cook in your own kitchen. I’ve been watching cooking shows nonstop and am determined to not only use everything in my garden this summer but to find some simple, yet elevated, recipes! (Think fancy grilled cheese & homemade noodles!)

I honestly have to say a big, big thank you to everyone. My mom, sister and daughter for just putting up with my constant tension and repetitive planning, Robin for being the most amazing friend, contractor and sounding board, my girls Steph, Vicky & Ally for getting me out of the house when I needed it the most, and to you guys reading this. Half of this blog is just me trying to form my thoughts into words, but feeling like the there’s actually someone at the end of the line makes it worth it.

Don’t forget; your stress, your worry, your planning, your preparation, your small steps… they are all leading towards the life you are building. Growth is hard, but staying stagnant will eventually be so much harder. Never stop growing.
-Anna R.


Julie & Julia


Bathroom- Planning